Sunday, October 30, 2016

Corruption = slaughterhouse beef = farm raised fish?

    The word CORRUPTION has a 21st century meaning that isn't the twentieth century label of shame *dishonest or fraudulent conduct" by those in power typically involving bribery. 
    In this 21st century of double entendre and convoluted  words and meanings, "corruption" can be in the eye of the beholder.
   "Corruption" thus becomes *the process by which something, typically a word or expression, is changed from its original use or meaning to one that is regarded  as erroneous or debased. Synonyms: alteration, bastardization, debasement, adulteration.

    To build on my hypothesis.
    21st century "corruption" is like eating a fat thick steak via a slaughterhouse of slaughtered cattle herded into place for the coup de grace when the slaughterhouse turns into a farm where fish is raised. 

    In my continuing reexamination of words and meanings in this 21st century, it is a different dishonesty assigned to "corruption" based on public acceptance of new social norms, as authorized by higher "authorities" who determine the "right" and "wrong" of 21st century behavior.
    Can "corruption" be assigned to a deliberate "adulteration"? 
    Like pretending slaughterhouse beef is really farm raised fish tastes like steak and can't damage the environment, but is a farm raised fish bastardization of steak?         

*Online powered by Oxford Dictionaries

Sunday, October 16, 2016

The subjective 21st century=social acceptance

      It is pertinent to this blog to begin an ongoing reexamination of "word meanings" in the 21st century.
     SUBJECTIVE, as defined by online powered by Oxford Dictionaries, is based on, or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.  The synonyms are the essence of the 21st century cultural scene, where the personal, individual, instinctive, intuitive are endlessly explored in columns devoted to the "self" examination that sells 21st century selfie sticks like hotcakes with lots of addictive sugary syrup and doesn't put on pounds, but cultivates the "me" of the  21st century psyche. 
     LIE is according to a noun.  Also a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood, something intended or serving to convey a false impression; imposture: an inaccurate or false statement; a falsehood. Yet a LIE in the 21st century is also defined within a legal context when it has to do with public figures in government accused of wrongdoing.  The synonyms are prevarication, falsification and the antonym is truth, which in the 21st century applies to the media's latest task of "fact checking" that can be parsed in a "subjective" slant depending on the intent of the intent of the media management.
In the 21st Century does word definition now depend on social acceptance?
     The next Oxford English Dictionary (OED) will account for words with more than one meaning, nevertheless, a "subjective 21st century" demands proof whenever the lie identifies an action or statement as defined by the legality of the current laws, which may vary state to state, and differs from the federal.
     Can the prosecution of a lie can take place without proof in the subjective 21st century? If we examine the current political theatrical scene, the prosecution by the media is not legally binding, but each voter has to make a subjective decision in the voting booth, or perhaps not vote at all.