Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The word "plastic" defined for the 21st century

     From my research, I've determined that the noun word "plastic" was originally a boon, so said those who followed up with practical items that soon became important features for society to use, however, that wasn't sufficient for those who intended to use plastic in ways never thought of before.
     As I also found out, the word "plastic" is coined for a modern society, for instance when used a credit card, but then when used as a description of something supple, this word becomes an adjective, nonetheless, for the 21st century this word has an all encompassing effect that includes the industrial adaptions which now scientists and the medical professions say threatens the health and welfare of global society for decades henceforth, moreover, all of us should consider the importance of weighing in as to whether it is necessary to avoid using what has become a ubiquitous part of living in the 21st century.
     Regardless, I continue to believe examining all aspects of the word "plastic" is necessary now, rather than later.
     To remind us that time is not in our favor when considering the negatives of the continued and unabated use of what can badly affect or global society in ways yet not imagined, we in the USA can demand and insure that it is the duty of the so-called "green" friendly states to do more than pass laws to limit giving out the free plastic bags to hold the items purchased.
     Contact your representatives for congress and your state assembly to demand more be done to limit the use of plastic for wrapping foods plus the thick rock hard molds covering whatever we buy for other uses.

Monday, June 17, 2024

In 2024 the word "beard" is also redefined

     The 2024 word redefined is "beard."
     My research as to the 2024 definition of the word "beard" confirms that in our era of questions about what it means to be a man, has been redefined.
     For instance, the LGBTQ community doesn't want the definition of "beard" associated with their community since men who chose to be women take hormones to eliminate facial hair – however, it is clear by my research (see websites listed below) that in 2024 the word "beard" has been redefined by many more groups than ever before.
     And in 2024, this noun word "beard" is fraught with connotations that certain females see as derogatory and when defined as a verb adds the onus of culpability aimed at them if they deliberately choose to marry a man who is gay but doesn't want his sexual choice revealed.  Moreover, the growth of a beard as a manly endeavor has redefined the word "beard" in our era of a social culture that references an acknowledged scientific biological fact as a POV issue.
     My research does allow you to draw your own conclusions about whether the word "beard" is redefined in 2024, however, it is also apparent that the word "beard" is connoted by our social culture.








Monday, May 20, 2024

American Justice 2024


     My research verifies Article III of the Constitution, is:  "...Article III of the Constitution, which establishes the Judicial Branch, leaves Congress significant discretion to determine the shape and structure of the federal judiciary.
     As well, the World Justice Project's 2023 Rule of Law Index ranks the U.S. 116th out of 142 countries on "accessibility and affordability of civil justice." This is a drop from the country's 108th place in 2020.Oct 25, 2023, and I conclude is a bad sign to other nations around the world that American Justice lacks standing in the global world.
     It is apparent from list of research sources, there are certain other measures of American Justice, like, "...Adjudication..."
     For this May, I have additionally provided more information about the "...federal- courts..." plus "...Federal judiciary of the United States..." and "...Federal tribunals in the United States..." also "...Federal tribunals..."
     All of the above bolsters my conclusion that our system of American Justice is in a such sad state that our Republic is threatened.