Sunday, October 7, 2018


   I’m still a New York Times “Book Review” section reader, even though in this political climate of disagreements this is a review of books often turned political—and I was fascinated by the Sunday, September 23rd review of the book, A Chill in the Air by Iris Origo delineating her diary impressions of wartime Italy as reviewed by Alexander Stille, especially the last paragraph of his sense of what Ms. Origo is noting as a final conclusion about moving a country not normally interested in war to a state of war.
   Stille is the reviewer of a book that is essentially a diary kept prior to the 2nd world war by someone who lived in Italy, who has read the book, and I haven’t, writes, “Origo notes that as the Fascist regime nudges Italy toward war, there is a careful psychological preparation: Supposedly scientific articles on the negative effects of coffee and meat appear weeks before the government will ration the sales of those items…”
   The above statement written in Ms. Origo’s diary according to Stille pertains to “news” reported in the Italian newspapers.

   I felt a chill of apprehension that relates to the current “main stream media” reports about news that they want to report and no reports about news they don’t want to  report.
  And I also felt a chill when I read the last portion of Stille’s commentary, …”Origo poses a question that seems deeply important in this time of resurgent nationalism: ‘is it possible to move a country to war, against it’s historical traditions, against the natural instincts and character of the majority of its inhabitants, and very possible against its own interests? Apparently it is possible.”

   Let me make clear, the chill I felt has nothing to do with Stille’s  claim of “in this time of resurgent nationalism.
   The chill I feel is what Stille says Ms. Origo wrote in her diary that pertains to “news” printed in Italian newspapers: “Origo notes that as the Fascist regime nudges Italy toward war, there is a careful psychological preparation” Supposedly scientific articles on the negative effects of coffee and meat appear weeks before the government will ration those items…”

   I shiver and feel the terrible apprehension of how in these times of “fake” news as POTUS 45 describes it, or as Ms. Origo says according to reviewer Stille, “there is a careful psychological preparation,” especially when articles in 2018 are written quoting “anonymous” sources that turn out to be half true, not true & downright false, or copious investigations about 45’s financial history, some 15,000 words reprinted not 1 time but a 2nd time in The New York Times.
   One more comment about “the grey lady’s” copious financial documentary about 45’s father, long deceased who worked with IRS and used IRS and NYC and NYState tax laws at that time, which all including the former Mayor of NYC, M. J. Bloomberg still use in 2018 to evade the tax burden: Wouldn’t this 15,000 word article be a psychological preparation for the Democrat control of congress and the “impeachment of POTUS 45?

   Perhaps another “psychological” preparation for what’s coming is Goggle sponsored heavily cable media advertised so-called impartial news app “Smart News.”
   What the behavioral psychologists have discovered that “chants” and “instruction” repeated by persons listening” does have a chilling effect to accomplish brain change.

   I ask you, do you want your brain and thought process changed to please someone in charge who knows better than you?