Thursday, November 30, 2017

Evolution of the gripe word

   Every word in the dictionary has an evolution, but in 2017, gripe is the most recognized “in your face” word that instantly produces a certain notice to everyone.
   Oddly, one of the original meanings referred to the use of the 21st century instantaneously identified acronym IBS, therefore proof of a sort that gastrointestinal ailments were a plague way back when gripe referred to an illness that affected the human intestines.
   From grasping something tightly, to securing the moorings of a boat, the evolution of the word gripe, whether noun or verb, currently takes on the most “common man” meaning, a petty complaint.

    There is an indication that in 2017, this “common man” word, gripe is used most frequently in the field of journalism, which some might say, means a step back from the most recent 20th century higher journalism standards regarding word use that may not have been used in a descriptive written by a New York Times or Washington Post correspondent.
   For some reason, anyone in a power position in industry or commerce rarely evokes this word gripe but in private conversation the current colloquial meaning is alive and well.
   However, in 2017 the political scene is fast evolving regarding use of this ultimate “common man” word, gripe.
   Although gripe is a populist must, yet this is a word seldom used by the political establishment that POTUS 45 refers to as the “swamp.” 
   Nevertheless, the evolutionary of “common man” words is a good thing in many ways, perhaps more due to the influence of the so-called populist agenda that wants more of the “tell it as it is” talk, rather than papered over versions, like the synonym for gripe, petty complaint, most often used in the context of a “politically correct” conversation.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Another word connotation: amanuensis

   We have other connotations for the word *"amanuensis" relevant to the secretarial, academic, religious, job titles in the commercial sector, and the Executive Office of the President of the United States.
   Moreover this is my favorite word, but it’s not easy to find unless you know how to spell it, because even the most popular thesauruses don’t show it in the listings for secretary or administrative assistant.
   For a word that **originated in Rome to describe a slave at his master’s reach, "amanuensis" has come a long way toward more modern times, with a meaning to indicate managing schedules, staff and a close aide to the President, therefore precursor to White House Chief of Staff.

   However, at the beginning of our country's foundation, Presidents like Thomas Jefferson had one secretary with the title of "amanuensis," and up to James Buchanan, those secretaries were paid personally so this was position given to a relative, but James Polk appointed his wife.
   And from "amanuensis" to **Secretary to the President and further to the many included office personnel aspect duly legislated by Congress in 1939 during Franklin Roosevelt’s second term with the official title, Executive Office of the President, with all included reporting directly to the White House Office.

   More interestingly, the sole "amanuensis" title was expanded from **Secretary to the President to include more than one as well as a photographer and other office personnel.
   When used in the 20th century as Secretary the President, the historical context is well documented.
   At the head of the list of those "amanuensis" who were upgrades yet best known from their affiliation to a President of the United States, oddly, the most faithful and best known Secretary to the President was the long term personal secretary to Richard Nixon, ****Mary Rose Woods.
   Although Ms. Rose is famous for her ***long arm reach that somehow managed to erase a portion of the Nixon White House tapes, which per her testimony during the Watergate scandal was totally unplanned and not directed by the embattled President Nixon, who resigned rather than be impeached.  
   Now in 2017, POTUS 45 has elevated his long term assistant Hope Hicks into the Executive Office of the President, to become part of the historical record, and no doubt Wikipedia will devote a special reference to her, because she has to testify about what she knows about the Trump campaign’s possible Russian collusion to the Special Counsel Robert Mueller. 
   And per the upgraded aspect of the original "amanuensis," Ms. Hicks has recently assumed the position of White House Director of Communications, which puts her within the organizational chart of the congressional directive re Executive Office of the President.    
   Nevertheless, unless the moral progress of mankind regresses backward, don’t expect the word "amanuensis" to refer to a slave within arms reach ever again, in fact, by the end of the 21st century, it might be that this "amanuensis" word will no longer be in use, and the connotation in all its aspects re "Executive Secretary" will be more normally known as "Executive Assistant."

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Laconic and pellucid words

When taken in a certain context laconic and pellucid are word opposites

   According to Wikipedia the “laconic” phrase refers to “specially a blunt and elliptical   rejoinder…named after Laconia, the region of Greece including the city of Sparta, whose ancient inhabitants had a reputation for verbal austerity and were famous for their blunt and often pithy remarks.”
   Moreover, the meaning of blunt refers to ”Having a thick edge or point; not sharp quotations…dull in understanding; slow of discernment; opposed to acute Quotations…abrupt in address; plain; unceremonious; wanting the forms of civility; rough in manners or speech. Quotations…”  
   The elliptical rejoinder of laconic “refers to the omission, from a clause, of one or more words that are nevertheless understood in the context of the remaining elements..."
   Furthermore,  if you are laconic, then you say what you are thinking in just a few words that can be "at times considered as dull and insensitive..."
   For instance, POTUS 45 is the “laconic” master of what was until recently 140 characters Twitter, because he Tweets sparingly either about the latest controversy or sets out a new laconic view of critics—he also fuels the latest media frenzy about those blunt and elliptical words, then laconic POTUS 45 fuels the next Twitter storm lashing out at the media who have no inclination to decipher POTUS 45’s previous ”laconic” Tweet.

   The "pellucid" word is the standard for political talking points, and the pellucid sentence is theme oriented with easy to understand pellucid words.
   For example, those politicians who want to become the major media’s favorite politician, must be adept at speaking in specific pellucid phrases composed of pellucid themed talking points aimed at defeating the opposition’s agenda, and major media’s favorite political personalities always use simple phrases that cannot be misunderstood, this is especially important for players of prominence in the political arena, like John McCain, who is a master of the politic pellucid barb.
   As another example, the Democratic spokespersons, Nancy Pelosi and Elizabeth Warren are extremely adept at formulating pellucid phrases like “a nation of sick people who can’t afford health care” or “the tax plan for the rich”—these pellucid word phrases are simple easy to understand and cannot be misunderstood, perfectly aimed to penetrate through the public’s perception about the Republican agenda.
   While the pellucid Maxine Waters' aim is to cause turmoil, the words “impeach 45” are formulated with a pellucid theme: impeach.

A word of advice, don’t plan on a political career if you are a "laconic" speaker who uses laconic themed phrases, but if you are a talented composer of the "pellucid" theme, politics could be your eventual direction.