Tuesday, October 8, 2024

In the 21st century the meaning of the verb word cheat hasn't changed

      There is no doubt that in the 21st century, the definition of this verb "cheat" remains the same, i.e. according to the dictionary.cambridge.org, "to behave in a dishonest way to obtain what you want.
     What is important about this verb word "cheat" is  the fact the definition remains the same in the 21st century, but the refusal to allow voter ID, when a voter ID is necessary to do anything that allows participation in this modern society, bares the truth.
     The vote is being manipulated to allow the winning of an election by candidates who "cheat."
     According to collinsdictionary.com, "If someone cheats you out of something they get it from you by behaving dishonestly, confirming that winning an election by dishonest means is to "cheat" to get a desired result.
     My research about the meaning of the verb "cheat" allows no deviation from the result, which is to obtain what you want by dishonest means.
      Either for the office of POTUS, or any elected office.
     Any candidate that allows a dishonest win is a cheat, too, and nothing has changed insofar the meaning of cheat, except a candidate that allows it is in an elected office by dishonest means, however, in the 21st century, my research proves, too, the election corruption has been allowed by both political parties, it hasn't been stopped.
      Yet the means for doing so exists.
    Candidates who cheat by counting absentee ballots after the official day of the election are stymied when election results are given promptly on the same day of the official election day.
    Not allowing the process of government to function can currently be done by a minority party in the Senate—use the filibuster until voter ID is necessary, insist that the counting of absentee ballots takes place during the period of early voting, and no absentee ballots are accepted after the period of early voting.
    Even better, make the official election day the only day allowed for voting and absentee ballots are only allowed when a notary certifies that the person who is voting can't do so by any other means.
     And courtesy of Yahoo's search engine (it wasn't on Google) check out my research for the "history" of the "absentee vote."

Sunday, September 8, 2024

"The meaning of the noun word "Truth"

     The noun word "truth" is a simple word, it has one basic definition, and in 2024, this is a word that matters, the direction of our nation depends on defining the word "truth."
   Unequivocally, according to Merriam-webster.com, the word "Truth" is, "...in accordance with fact..," and wikipedia.org indicates that, "...truth is the opposite of a false statement.
    However, dictionary.cambridge.org has other kinds of "truth," for example, there are seven other kinds of truth, such as "God's truth is "...said to emphasize that something is the complete truth..."  And all the other six "truths" are variations of the Merriam-webster.com a basic definition, "...in accordance with fact.
    Moreover, when defining the noun word "truth" clearly, this is a word that has one basic definition.
     As well, "truth" is not a prediction, nor does "truth" change when another statement is issued.
     If a video of a previous statement by a person is shown, then another newer version is not "truth," it's a new statement, until another version is issued, and then all the versions of the same "truth" are newer modified statements, the question then becomes, which statement is the "truth"?
     One could ask if "truth" can change, then is it still "truth"?
    There is no doubt that "truth" doesn't change when expressing the "truth" of an active current issue, but stating the "truth" has nothing to do with expediency, for instance, for members of the government, whether it be state or federal, the "truth" is a statement on an issue, if that statement changes, then the "truth" is not an "explanation for a newer belief, the change then must be tested with a version of the "truth" which is by Merriam-webster.com then "...in accordance with fact..."
     Only you can determine whether a newer statement that changes "truth" is offered by an individual whose past "truth" based actions are verifiable.
      Thus it can be said, "truth" has a test.







Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The meaning of the words "grey" and "secrecy"

      The two sources I found regarding the definition of the word "grey" have a number  reference to refer to, but for a definition that does not refer to the color of the hair, that number is a "5."
      The indication is that the word "grey" as a "noun" connotes another kind of attribute that can indicate a government transparency reference  as it does in the merriam-webster.com, but collinsdictionary.com references the "dull and boring" aspect of a multifaceted word
      However, when used as a verb, the "grey" word denotes the color.
      The word "secrecy" is a noun—the merriam-webster.com source, defines the word "secrecy" the same as cambridge.org, using examples of how the word "secrecy" refers specifically to government, but dictionary.com used an example of the word "secrecy" that can connote the openness of a corporate entity, as it isn't always just government that seeks the full definition of the word "secrecy" to keep employees and/or outsiders ignorant of the corporate ethos.
       Why define the words "grey" and "secrecy"? 
      The 21st century's year 2024, is an election year, and my research sources have indicated the definition of those two words "grey" and "secrecy" can offer an insight as to how these particular words are used by journalists to indicate their point of view.
       Sadly, my research also indicates we are currently in an era when major media may not always present the news without a POV.
     Therefore, my conclusion is that a reader cannot always trust an article purporting to refer to a news report is unbiased, thus the definitions I've researched can alert a reader as to whether the reported news is a journalists' altered opinion interpretation of the event.