Sunday, July 6, 2014

a word emotional and significant + more

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The word bench has more than one significance, it also has an emotional connotation, as well a bench seats a certain kind of humanity who are often engaged, though they can be unengaged in what some do but there is a purpose for the bench in a certain kind of place.

There is bench law in a court where a judge sits.

And the bench can also be a ranking for a judge, yet this same word means a thwart in a boat, plus a bench is a seat where athletic members of a team sit but also for the reserve members of the team, and a place where justice is administrated.

Bench is a descriptive word as can be discerned from all of the above.

The significance is broadened with a mention of the office and thus the dignity of the person occupying the office, then bench can be a worktable that is longer, as well, a compartment platform with certain connotations that may be a place for domesticated animals.

I was encouraged to set down all of the above when a very pleasant man in my apartment building passed away, but I know that to him and to those who still use that bench in front of my apartment building, the bench is where companionship takes place among sometimes dissimilar souls who find their humanity by sharing their stories, as this does comes about in a public space put aside like a park or added to the landscaping of architecture, to signify that this is a place where an emotional connection can come about, either by choice or chance.

Words do have meanings that are not always obvious, but all words are part of the human alphabet of language that sets us apart from other species and celebrates our humanness.


Monday, May 26, 2014

There's something fishy about "abatement"

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The smell about the word "abatement" is fishy when you consider that "abatement" is used by builders who do renovations in apartment building built when the use of asbestos and other toxic substances were not considered dangerous but are there during the renovations that tear down walls, but is a reduction enough?

This business term "abatement" is used by government including the EPA to let the renovations be done in buildings with tenants.

The problem with construction "abatement" is that no ongoing tests are conducted, and if the construction process in  "abatement" is followed without conducting tests in a tenant's apartment who knows if the tenants in that apartment building are breathing in the odorless colorless toxic fumes of asbestos and other toxic substances being disturbed in the process of building renovations.

The fish smell is in the term "abatement" that means reduction but NOT elimination, yet this is how our government allows business as usual when business is conducted despite that the health of citizens can be jeopardized by this "business as usual" attitude—no doubt more than one will have to die for an investigation to take place—and the oncoming moral outrage will be covered thoroughly by the media.

The above happens to be a situation in which I am concerned, and I've used the word "abatement" in this blog of wordsandmeanings as a case in point about how the meaning of a word can matter—perhaps this will encourage my readers to look at how words are used.

When words are used that raise red flags, the word itself should prompt some inquiry and questions about your concerns.

Words do matter and so do the meanings of words.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

A new version of the word journalist has a second word preface

It used to be that a "journalist" for a reputable newspaper reported the unbiased news, but now the online Merrium Webster dictionary notes that a "journalist is a writer or editor for a news medium" and also "a writer who aims at a mass audience."

And sadly, now the "unbiased" print reporting "journalist" is vanished and other than the PBS news reports that touts as 'unbiased" the preface word to "journalist" is now either "new journalist" or "advocacy journalist."  And both are featuring "subjective" responses to people and events, but the "new journalist" uses fictional techniques to put across a point of view. 

Though now that the "editorial page" has intruded via the "advocacy journalist" there is now the Pulitzer prize that has gone to the "advocacy journalist" Glen Greenwald and Laura Poitras the documentary film maker who made Edward Snowden a hero, and made NSA a villain who spies on everyone—they are railing against the US government violating our privacy, but they aren't US citizens just critics, and they are ADVOCATES OF A POINT OF VIEW, which is not referred to in the "PUBLIC SERVICE" category winners:   THE GUARDIAN and THE WASHINGTON POST.

This so called "public service" Pulitzer category touts Edward Snowden who stole the NASA files and now hides behind Vladimir Putin the chief protector of privacy in Russia—even the Silicon valley BTO's grant accolades for this theft of NASA secrets, and like THE NEW YORK TIMES which put in an Editorial that calls for Snowden to be given a "home free pass" back to the USA because he labeled NASA a privacy culprit, SNOWDEN THE HERO REIGNS SUPREME.

FYI:  Oddly, Google has recently admitted that all g-mails are inspected for advertisement placement, but then I doubt that a company like Google would hire an obvious drifter like Snowden who never stayed at a company long enough, ONLY NASA would hire the contractors of contractors who get the high security clearances they aren't entitled to.

And back to that now changed word "journalist" which still leaves open to conjecture what a journalist may investigate and uncover that is supposedly unbiased—it now seems that in this 21st century truth is fiction and the Emperor wears no clothes.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

ambivalence is global

*N0TE:  For those of you who have faithfully come to read this blog I apologize for what is a necessarily a blog that has no particular posting schedule—my aim with my now 5 blogs total is to collect what I've written to publish as a Print and E-book—you can read all of my blogs on the Internet free here and on other blog sites (see below for the urls of my blogs).  I also plan to share my blogs on Wattpad, which I will do at some point when I've completed the first of my series of hub city travel guides No More Hotels In Paris:  Hub City Travel Guide

As for the word ambivalence, this is a great word to describe what is happening today in the global world of nations.  Sadly more are concerned with their own affairs, though when other countries act against the world order of things most countries may protest with words, but they behave with ambivalence, and their uncertainty as to which direction to follow is the pertinent definition of this word that also means:  simultaneous
and contradictory action.

The word ambivalence has a shrugging off sound, even an iffy intonation in a sentence that does convey the meaning, and this word was first used in 1909, the origin is from the International Scientific Vocabulary.  And  history tells a telling tale:  World War I was on the horizon and it started with a dispute between 2 countries, but then the dispute got out of hand, and the world became involved.

The problem with the world order of things is that other kinds of interdependence between nations may result in ambivalence when it comes to declaring a loud and clear "no" to any violators of what is not accepted between countries.

Time will tell whether the nations of the world can practice ambivalence about those kinds of unacceptable behaviors.

here are my other blog urls:


Sunday, January 26, 2014

a 21st century with parsed meanings...

The word accurate is one of those parsed meanings words that depends on who is determining the meaning in a particular case.

Accurate used to mean "correct" which was determined by the majority opinion of the fact that what is cited is accurate, and this held true for citing an event which took place and which was verifiable by the ones who were in charge of making the determination, usually the governmental authorities who documented it at the time it took place. 

One word that is now is always parsed, that sterling word, truth, in this 21st century has turned into a word with a subjective point of view.  What is true to one individual that is not an authority but commands the ear of the media, can now be in doubt, and even deemed a falsehood.  Also, truth is cited by opposing groups to mean not a shred of truth and a falsehood.  Usually, the word truth operates best when it is set out to be adjudicated in a court of law by  a jury or judicial opinion.  Of course  not all judges make the same determination, and if this is not an offense with double jeopardy, but a citing of some instance when this truth was given a Supreme Court heads up, or is in route to the highest court in the land, then the more opposing views of the truth the better.

Which leads me to believe that this 21st century era prefers the subjective versions of the meanings of a value word, like, accurate, and truth, but if this leads to all sorts of misguided acts by individuals that are determined to marshal others in the power structure to see their subjective assessment, and therefore act on their behalf when what they have done does great harm and injury, though it may be subjective as to whom is injured, so be it.

Some say, we are living in a wonderfully progressive democratic world where all the wrongs are not wrong if it is determined subjectively that it is a right.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

nemesis is a word with a repetitive sound...

It seems that expert PR tactics work for those who are chosen by the powerful media to be recognized, and those journalists who use their columns influence like minded others to write the words that spring from the mouth of a currently maligned "do gooder" and then others of a "like mind" produce the visuals that in this 21st century creates  a bandwagon kind of public service campaign for someone who toutes himself as a "do gooder" and who aims to be recognized for his "good deed."

So the President of the United States now has a nemesis that is positioned to bring a huge uptick in the public opinion polls that could cause a change of mind by no less than what some may call the most powerful leader in the global world.

The fact that even the Fox Cable channel has given Edward Snowden a heads up during a news anchor's recent "fair and balanced" about a man whom the President has refused to acknowledge as anything but a "fugitive" from the American justice system—both the "fair and balanced" persons (contributors to Fox Cable News) opined that Snowden did the USA a favor by bringing out the scope of the NASA's phone etc. surveillance etc., and the one, who works for the online news organization The Daily Beast opined that it is clear that our country should not prosocute a man who did the right thing, and claimed that public opinion is now in favor of welcoming him back to the USA—as Snowden is simply a public service whistle blower who rightfully took what he had given his oath not to reveal, and did so at great personal harm to himself.

This now nemesis of the President of the USA has new powerful media connections, and it seems that Snowden is also applauded for his contributions by Barbara Walters, and is so opined by this Daily Beast online Fox Contributor, as a good person who is a public service spokesman for responsible government who has very responsibly given the NASA owned documents on flash drives to many journalists who are poised to reveal even more.

A nemesis is, according to the Merriam Webster Online Dictionary a formidable usually victorious rival or oponnent—could it be that the Mr. Snowden is poised and positioned to replace Julian Assange whose reputation is in doubt, and who is currently evading, while domiciled in a foreign embassy, a warrant issued by Interpol re allegations of sexual harassment by a woman currently residing in another country.  It would be ironic if Edward Snowden would be given recognition by the President of the USA, perhaps with a newly created "thank you medal."

After all, public opinion polls are important to shoring up a lame duck President's legacy.

A nemesis like Snowden could even return to the USA as candidate for the Senate, Congress, even eventually for the highest office in the land—then truth would be stranger than the fiction I have written for my 1st 2014 words and meanings blog.