Wednesday, November 24, 2021

The word "law"


According to Wikipedia, a "law" is a system of rules, Merriam-Webster says, among other definitions for this word, a "law" is a system that is advisable to follow. 
The word "law" may have more relevance since the 2020 election, when a President was elected with a slim majority in Congress and a 50 50 Senate requiring a tie vote to be broken by the current administration's Vice President.

The relevance of the word "law" is important in many ways.

The current administration can't pass a "law" unless all the members of the political party who won the Presidency votes for it.  This hasn't been the case insofar as the Senate.  Some members of the current President's political party are marching to their own drummer.  So far just one "law," a bipartisan effort, has been enacted. 
Is that a good thing? 
Depends on which political party's House Speaker you ask.  Insofar as the Senate, it depends upon which Majority or Minority leader of the Senate you ask. 
Without a "law" there is no action on a political agenda. 
Yet competing influential to public opinion influences can demand that a "law" be enacted, too. 
Is this a common occurrence? 
The Encyclopedia Britannica has completed a thorough examination about public opinion and the enactment of a government agenda—Britannica has determined that for the most part, public opinion can only influence the limits of government agenda, which is necessarily dependent on enacting a "law."
Here's another fact. 
In this 21st century the use of an "Executive Order" can be as impactful as a "law," even a substitute for a "law" if the Supreme Court determines it is a law. 
However, the Supreme court can changed to accommodate some Congressional members of the political party of this administration.  Expanding the court to 13 instead of nine would allow the Administration to have an easier time when it comes to determining whether an Executive Order can become a "law."

 One aspect of examining the word "law" is to understand the impact a law can have on your life.

Especially for those voters who don't bother to go beyond the headlines, it is important to understand how a "law" enacted by a majority of the House of representatives and the Senate can determine the fate of a nation. 
The fate of voters in a state is also determined by the majority of your State's House and Senate. 
It's up to each voter to ponder carefully as to who they elect to the House of Representatives and the Senate whether it be Federal or State—the House and the Senate enact a "law." 
Keep in mind, a "law" is proposed by a member of the House and the Senate and enacted by a majority of all the members, but a President or a Governor can only sign the "law. 












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