Google's generic definition of the noun word
"nullification" notes this: " Nullification is the act of
canceling something. Counteracting the
effects of a snakebite with an antidote could be describe as nullification, for
example. Use the noun nullification when
one thing overcomes or overrides another, basically erasing the effects of the
first thing."
However, I have included Wikipedia's article about
"nullification" of the U. S. Constitution, as another reference due
to the importance of this noun word "nullification" insofar as the
specific direction of the "Executive" branch of our government to
determine the direction of our Republic, and whether any Federal judge can
override the direction of the 47th POTUS of the United States to
determine by Executive Order what he determines is in the best interest of the
Currently the Executive and Judicial branches of our
Republic are engaged in a literal "butting of heads" to direct the
direction of our Republic.
There is also a "Nullification in Politics" taking
place, and Google's generic advisement says this: "In politics, nullification is when a
state asserts its rights to judge federal laws unconstitutional and block their
implementation" when the occupant of the Executive branch of our Republic
is determining the direction of the country by issuing Executive Orders, but
the opposition, is fighting implementation of the Executive Orders with the Judicial
branches of government, to include state courts.
From my research, it is clear an appeal to SCOTUS is the
eventual direction for determination whether the US Constitution gives the
power to determine the direction of our Republic to the Executive branch,
either with parameters, or without parameters.
And it is most likely, the nation's AG Pam Bondi will be the one to
shepherd the best case to solve this extraordinary issue of the Judicial branch
versus the Executive branch.
There is no doubt that in 2025, familiarity with the words
plus meanings of words that will effect persons of all stripes and political
persuasions, is important when it comes to understanding the power of which
branch of government of our Republic is allowed to set the direction the nation. My previous research has determined the SCOTUS decision will
include the basis for a legal "precedent," another important 21st
century word researched in the January blog. In researching this most important noun word
"nullification" the 2 dictionary sources have the same definition, so
I decided not to pursue more definitions, which essentially repeat those I have
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