Saturday, January 21, 2017

Corrupted words

What corrupts a word, can a word be corrupted in some sense?

   Corrupted words are used in advertising to micro manage people’s minds in ways that encourage product consumption.
   In politics, words are corrupted all the time, for instance,  the 1964 Johnson’s “Great Society” ushered in a catchy campaign slogan with a political agenda, and did catapult one political party into prominence with certain voters who wanted parity without viable income.

   The chaos of a 21st century in semi-war state elevated the use of corrupted words by journalists who turned political commentary into a cash cow when newspaper circulation plummeted and technology introduced the possibility of a digital answer to mass circulation. 
   Other forms of media needed experienced members of the press to spout on television corrupting words casting innuendo.
   The corrupted words became a subjective description citing the ethical and unethical.

   The words “fair and balanced” illustrate how corrupted words can attach an onus to a certain kind of news.
   How the "word" corruption progressed to the next stage is indicated  by the meaning of the word “fair,” used  as an adjective, *in accordance with the rules or standards; legitimate: the adverb, without cheating or trying to achieve unjust advantage, but the "word" corruption extends if combined with “balanced” is an adjective defined:
1.    keeping or showing a balance; arranged in good proportions
2.    taking everything into account; fairly judged or presented
   The synonyms for “balanced”: fair, equitable, just, unprejudiced, can add more description for negative news stories and articles.
    The same “fair” and “balanced” corrupted words become something much more, as aptly illustrated by a website using the words “Fair and Balanced,” to describe in derogatory terms the cable channel for news and political commentary, versus the political view of the website:
    ** Sep 09, 2015 · "Fair and Balanced" is the slogan of Fox "Faux" News. It means that their overall quality is at best fair, and that their "news" is balanced with a strong ... dose of commentary, to make sure the viewer gets the talking points clearly. In reality, Fox News is about as "balanced" as Conservapedia  is "trustworthy".

   Another 21st century word meaning and use evolution: reformatted as adapted negative or positive "corrupted word"—let’s call it an enhancement of the advertising goal:  to better sell the advertiser’s product.

   And there is something else: "negative" word corrupted subjectively.
   In 2016 the powerful journalist press use their freedom from libel: 1st amendment free press clause—with the aim of electing the presidential candidate of their choice, "negative" words “unfit” and “dangerous” are co-opted by the press and TV media for political persuasion.

   All of the above “word corruption” possibilities are from the plethora “word” slant and cast 20th century “yellow press,” now to become a 21st century “corrupted words” arsenal for the powerful journalist press, with freedom from libel to destroy a newly elected POTUS they don’t like.

* and ** see the following links:

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