Wednesday, August 14, 2013

that word, "force," speaks and says volumes…

A "force" can mean a strength that causes a change of some sort, and the word, force," intimates what may or may not be true.

That word, "force," can speak of and mean another kind of strength that has to do with character and morality, which can make this word, "force," be more than it would be if it were capitalized to make "force" relevant to the natural world around us that can produce weather patterns to devastate and destroy.

The other meanings can be more hazardous when human beings are not in agreement, such as a gathering of strength to bring about a certain desired result in a moment where there is no agreement about a particular issue, and then a more benign meaning to indicate that "force" is associated with a group that performs a particular job. 

Thus, this word, "force," can mean more than it may seem to indicate, and this means a reader should determine how the use of this word, whether by a journalist or by a writer of fiction, nonfiction, functions in the work which uses it.

*to find out more about my writing and works please visit my other blogs:
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my recent fiction novel The Haunting And Paradise Taxi (print ISBN 9780615685 print and E-book Nook available at
E-book Smashwords Edition ISBN 9780989053600 available at Apple and Sony E-books


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